
By Doug Sivco

Hello all you sixes and sevens. My name is Doug Sivco. I am the Director of Client Relations for McIntyre, Freedman & Flynn Investment Advisers of Orleans, MA. For over 20 years I have advised individuals, families and corporations across the country on their investments and financial goals. My firm deals almost exclusively with a client base of 60 and above, simply because individual wealth is concentrated in America’s “baby boomer –plus” population!

We sixes and sevens are the decision makers of our future more now than ever before in the history of this great nation. Pensions are on the way out, self-directed 401K’s and IRA retirement plans are here and the wave of the future. As a fellow “boomer”, my goal in this section of the website, is to help you make sense of the constant gyrations of the stock markets, the impact of legislation from Washington, D.C., and world events which can and will affect your financial future.

There is no one single strategy to a successful retirement, since not one of us comes from the exact same work history or economic background. Our hopes and dreams are equally diverse. But I have found that as we age, smart and conservative planning with a keen eye on the future is the best way to enjoy what we have earned and acquired. The financial ball is in our court.

We’ll talk again soon.

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